A Lesson In Photography: Subject/Frame Parallelism


I’ve received my D40 just a while back, so I still consider myself a photography noob, but in the ~300 pics that I have taken so far, I’ve notice some aspects of photography that I’d read about on the internet really have a huge impacts on my shots. One of those silly yet very important aspect is the parallelism between the subject of it’s surroundings and the edges of the picture.

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[OCN] Nvidia Turning Friends Into Enemies?


Everybody’s in the fight for GP-GPUs… and it makes me question Nvidia’s ability to survive in such a market, specially when all it’s CPU producing friends are openly declaring war.

Nvidia is acting weird lately. Apart from keeping the bar high in the GPU sector, Nvidia seems to be wanting to take over something else, the CPU sector. I'm a bit confused as if they want to do so using CUDA and GPU-powered applications to entirely eradicate the need for a powerful CPU and build crappy replacements of their own, or just trying to beat Intel at their own game, plain and simple, by producing super high end chips.
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Broken = Broke


The summer was off to a pretty good start until last Wednesday. I had my new bike, I was getting better and better day by day, the weather was wonderful, I had my PCs back at home for rainy days, and my camera was on order for taking pics on pics.

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Photography, Here I Come!


It was inevitable. Geeks like expensive toys, and beautiful stuff, and what more beautiful and expensive than photography? Every single geek that I know is into photography somehow: Francois-Olivier Bergeron, one of my oldest friend’s brother and bigtime tech enthousiast has been sporting higher end Canon DSLR stuff for over a year now, Mark Langenfeld, an ex-coposter from Dream.in.code (sadly, I stopped posting there :() also is into urban photography, let’s face it, I was doomed to start taking pictures myself.

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