My Torments on Higher Education


It seems like summer drives me in this sort of vegetative state: once school is over, I just go home, and it’s like I don’t know what to do of my days so I just sit around and browse some forums, work occasionally, and hang out with friends when possible. When I’m in summer mode, nothing never is critical: if I’m poor, then I just stay home or borrow, if something needs to be done it can always wait a couple more days, and even my McJob, which I usually get sick off when working over 20 hours a week, now looks like something that just happens. I do nothing at home, go to work, do the stuff I’m asked for 4, 6 ,8 hours, then go back home feeling…. well not feeling anyway specific at all. I just drone through my days, and I don’t think about much.

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[OCN] Rethinking Hard Drives and Storage


In this post, I explore how hard drive makers have spent too much time and effort making drives only bigger and faster, and not thinking about making more products tailored to what the consumer needs, and how there are many segments that are still open to whoever wants to take them.

The hardware industry in itself is constantly changing, but one sector that has particularly evolved over the years is the disk storage sector. Nowadays, everybody from hardcore enthusiasts like we OCN-ers to our formerly computer illiterate grandparents are now juggling around with voluminous files, music, movies, and large collections of high-resolution digital pictures, so the overall demand for bigger, faster drives just keeps growing.
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