Klipsch S3: Solid, No-fuss Intra-Aurals

The purchase of my Klipsch S3 was pretty much a spur of the moment thing. Two years of accumulated rage against the old Sony earbuds that I owned took its toll, I guess. I use full-sized headphones normally when I'm not in the gym, and rediscovering how crappy my old earphones were when switch between pairs was growing old. On my way to the gym one day, I decided enough was enough, and went to my local Futureshop to purchase some new workout earphones.
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This Week’s iPhone Pics (33/52)


Moar like last month’s iPhone pics amirite? Anyways, this week’s combo is Jimmy on Blanko.

  • Last bit of Montreal before takeoff: smoked meat in a bagel. It's doesn't get more local than this. Best airport food I've had so far.
  • Something more exotic: Jamaican beer. I'll be honest, it ain't got shit on the bitter lagers I usually drink up, but in it's context, it's a very nice drink to have. 35SPn in the background: it was on beach duty for a part of my trip.
  • In Florida, cars are clean. This particular picture shows a set of pristine BMW Z3 M Roadster wheels, dubbed Roadstars. 17x9, et8 in the rear... how's that for width and low offset? Near impossible to fit on any vehicle without serious bodywork, camber and tire stretch. Check the lip out on these bad boys. It's the kind of stuff I dream about these days...
  • That's actually a real name for a real shop. Wow.
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À la défense des étudiants, disaient-ils...


Jeudi dernier était jour de manifestation nationale contre la hausse des frais de scolarité, manifestation pour laquelle vous avez probablement vu amplement de collants, pancartes, et autres pubs de tout genre. Un grand rassemblement pour la défense de nos droits à une éducation accessible (lire: gratuite) et de qualité, regroupant des milliers de jeunes (60 000 selons les organismes responsables) de partout au Quebec venus des CEGEPs et des Universités de notre province, sous diverses affiliations à des regroupements etudiants. Le tout etait visiblement chapeauté par la Coalition opposée à la tarification et à la privatisation des services publics et l’Alliance Sociale, selon le materiel promotionel distribué dans notre propre établissement.

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D-Link DNS-323: The Everyman's NAS

As an in-store technician for a big box retail, I am shocked by how little people are aware of the evanescence of computer storage. Countless times I have seen customers come back with defective hard drives in their 6 month old laptop and be dumbfounded when they are told that their data can not be recovered. Of all the ways that the computer industry has found to make customers spend, it seems that too little effort has been put into making the public aware that hard drives, like all other things, will eventually die, and that when they do, you better be prepared. That's why I am happy to see D-Link come out with a product like the DNS-323 that facilitates practice of safe data storage.
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When the Press Perpetuates Ignorance


Quebec doesn’t have a very big appetite for politics. Being totally bilingual, I get to compare the content from the English Canadian media outlets to their French counterparts, and this lack of interest for politics is something that you get to notice pretty quickly when you have a standard to compare it to. On weeknight TV at stations like CBC, it seems (and I’m going by gut on this one) that much more time is put on actual important issues like local, provincial and national politics, and less on silly human interest stories (hrm hrm, looking at you TVA!). Maybe it’s a cultural thing, but we French Canadians don’t have shows like RMR or 22 Minutes to make politics less dry, and when our stand-up comedians mention the subject, it usually just ends up in politicos bashing using overworked stereotypes.

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